Silo - Instar



Formats Tracks Price Buy
CD Album 11 tracks £8.99
Download Album (MP3) 11 tracks £7.99
Download Album (FLAC) 11 tracks £7.99


Silo - Instar

Release date 10 October 1998

As new technologies breed new hybrids in artistic styles so old certainties break down. Silo are a
case in point. Ostensibly a rock band with a grounding in everything from Metallica to Helmet,
these three Danes have been subverted and seduced by the post rock sensibilities of Tortoise and
their many followers and the heady possibilities of digital manipulation to a point where they are
both a rock band in actuality and a rock band inside a computer.
Impossible to simply describe the band's killer combination of "real" instrumentation ("actual"
guitar, bass, drums & even sometimes vocals) honed to the sharpest of points with bit accurate
digital manipulation ranges from the hypnotic to the downright "kick ass" (in fact we suspect the
first "math rock" outfit who can "rock" as hard as they can "concept"!!!). Not only that but in
"Deckwork" they have a song which will send shivers up your spine and in "Templates" a theme
for the post everything generation.

SILO are - Søren Dahlgaard , Frederik Ammitzbøll and Mikkel Bender

Produced by Silo & Colin Newman.


CD Album (WM19)
  1. Flake
  2. Asset
  3. Beat 41
  4. Templates
  5. Cowboy
  6. You Play with Guns
  7. Two Grown Men Can't Pull It Apart
  8. Cream Puff
  9. Tuffer
  10. In Constant Use
  11. Deckwork
Download Album (WM19)
  1. Flake
  2. Asset
  3. Beat 41
  4. Templates
  5. Cowboy
  6. You Play with Guns
  7. Two Grown Men Can't Pull It Apart
  8. Cream Puff
  9. Tuffer
  10. In Constant Use
  11. Deckwork